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Plans for the US to Encourage Other Nations to Refrain from Paying Ransomware - Slashdot

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    The US is pushing a group of governments to publicly commit to not make ransom payments to hackers ahead of an annual meeting of more than 45 nations in Washington later this month. From a report: Anne Neuberger, deputy national security adviser, told Bloomberg News that she is "incredibly hopeful" about enlisting support for such a statement but acknowledged it's a "hard policy decision." If members can't agree to the statement in advance of the meeting, then it will be included as a discussion point, she said. [...] The aim of the statement is to change that calculus, Neuberger said. "Ransom payments are what's driving ransomware," she said. "That's the reason we think it's so needed."


    Article information

    Author: Reginald Sweeney

    Last Updated: 1698628441

    Views: 1598

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    Reviews: 84% of readers found this page helpful

    Author information

    Name: Reginald Sweeney

    Birthday: 2005-01-02

    Address: 4819 Webb Mission Suite 023, Richardside, VA 38299

    Phone: +4421111836710717

    Job: Article Writer

    Hobby: Beer Brewing, Billiards, Video Editing, Fencing, Running, Arduino, Cooking

    Introduction: My name is Reginald Sweeney, I am a apt, cherished, forthright, resolved, persistent, tenacious, capable person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.